Coffee, Tea, Hot Chocolate or Matcha? Which hot drink is your favourite?

As Autumn approaches and the cosy season (as i like to call it) will soon be upon us, hot drinks will be a go to treat for many. The famous 'pumpkin spice latte' will begin to appear in most of the coffee shops and people will be walking around with their reusable hot drink cups keeping their hands warm. Which hot drink do you enjoy in the cooler months? 

cosy season at KB HQ

I have always been a coffee drinker myself, I mostly drink black coffee though if I'm in a coffee shop I'll sometimes treat myself to something a little more fancy. Recently, I've been enjoying Matcha lattes, made at home using a kit i got on my birthday this year. I like to drink Matcha both hot and cold and I've been testing out the different flavours i was given. I do love a hot chocolate too, especially around Christmas time. 

With hot drinks being on my mind I illustrated a range of takeaway drink related product including stickers, pin badges and bookmarks. You'll find them available here on the website. They'd make great gifts for your coffee shop loving friends and family. 



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